Message sent from:
Jenni Wyrill

Welcome to Nields Academy - proud to be part of Great Heights Academy Trust

On behalf of the children, staff and Governors, I would like to warmly welcome you to Nields Academy’s website.

We are a village school which prides itself in creating a happy, caring, family atmosphere where everyone is encouraged and inspired to achieve their potential and develop a love of learning. Children lie at the heart of everything we do and every decision within the school is made by firstly considering what is in the best interest of our children.

Nields Academy is a unique and creative environment, with fantastic outdoor space. We believe that our school is an inspiring place which energises learning and encourages children to develop an enquiring mind, a desire for knowledge, high personal expectations and understanding and respect for others. Our pupils thrive and shine, and leave us as compassionate, happy, reflective and adaptable young people.

We believe we have a unique combination of features here at Nields Academy which makes it a wonderful place to educate children, where all members of the community work in partnership to achieve the very best for every child.

Please take the time to browse our site and find out more about our lovely school. You are more than welcome to visit us, see our school at first hand and meet our friendly children and staff.

Mrs Jenni Wyrill,

Contact Us

Nields Academy
Nields Road

Tel: 01484 842154 
Email: office@nields.ghat.org.uk

The School day

Our school day begins at 8:50am for all children and ends at 3:25pm. This equates to 32.5 hours in a typical week. 

We hold assemblies in the hall throughout the week, either as a whole school or in key stages. We celebrate children’s achievements together every Friday.


8.40am-8.50am School gates open for all children.

There is a 15 minute break each morning at 10:15am (Y1/2), 10.30am (Y3/4) and 10:45am (Y5/6).

The Nursery morning session finishes at 11.30am.


11.30am - 12.30pm Early Years

12pm - 1pm KS1 and KS2


The Nursery afternoon session starts at 12.30pm.

Ks1 have a 15 minute afternoon break at 2pm.


School News Feed
  • Newsletter
    24 May 2024
    Summer 1 Update Letter
    Good afternoon, Please find attached our final update letter of this half term. Have a lovely holiday and we will see you back at school on Monday 3rd June at 8:40am. Thank you for your continued support this half term, Mr Midgley and Mrs Travers.
  • Newsletter
    10 May 2024
    Summer 1 Update Letter 2
    Good afternoon, Please find attached this week's update letter - we've had another superb week ending with the Y3/4 Cricket Tournament today which although we didn't win, we would like to commend the children on their efforts and behaviour throughout the day. They represented school perfectly and we are very proud of them! Enjoy the lovely, sunny weather this weekend! Many thanks, Mrs Travers and Mr Midgley
  • General
    25 April 2024
    Kirklees Keeping in Mind Website
    Good afternoon, Please see the following link (https://kirklees-keep-in-mind.nhs.uk/) to a website with resources and contacts which you may find helpful if your child is struggling with their feelings, emotions or behaviours. The different sections offer information on how they might be feeling, some strategies to help improve these feelings and details of who to contact if you think your child would benefit from some further support. There is also a section specifically for young people. https://kirklees-keep-in-mind.nhs.uk/ Many thanks, Miss Higginson and Mrs Travers.
  • Event
    24 April 2024
    Slaithwaite Duck Race
    After school on Friday, some of our Nields Cub Scouts will be in the playground selling tickets to the Slaithwaite Duck Race! Ducks are £2 per entry into the race with some great cash prizes to be won! Please see the attached poster for more information.
  • Newsletter
    12 April 2024
    Summer 1 Update Letter
    Good afternoon, Please find attached our first update letter of the Summer 1 term - thank you all for a fantastic first week back at Nields Academy! Mr Midgley and Mrs Travers
  • Newsletter
    22 March 2024
    Spring 2 Updates!
    Good Afternoon, Please find attached our final update letter of Spring 2. We hope you all have a lovely, restful break and we look forward to seeing everyone back in school bright and early on Monday 8th April 2024. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs Travers.
  • Important
    20 March 2024
    No nut products in school please!
    An important reminder that children cannot bring any nut products into school for their snack or as part of their packed lunch. We have both children and staff with allergies. All snacks and packed lunches should form part of a healthy diet and there should be no chocolate bars being brought into school. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • Reminder
    6 March 2024
    Driving / Lateness
    Good Morning, Firstly, a big thank you for actioning our previous ping and not parking on the yellow zig-zags or the driveway up to school, it has been noted that this is much better both in a morning and after school and is ensuring we can keep everyone safe. We are still however receiving complaints around unsafe driving around school, please be considerate of other road users and where possible park away from school and walk. We will be running 'Walk to school' week soon and speaking to children in school about road safety. Please support us by setting a good example when driving to and from school and/or crossing the roads. Also, a polite reminder that all children need to be in school by 8:50. Our gates and doors open at 8:40 but children must be in classrooms by 8:50 to start their morning learning and be ready for the day. We are holding important assemblies in a morning and phonics lessons happen first thing so important learning and messages are being missed if children are not here on time. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs Travers.
  • Newsletter
    1 March 2024
    Update letter
    Please find attached our first update letter of Spring 2!
  • Important
    1 March 2024
    Good Morning, Please may we remind all parents/carers to both drive and park responsibly during school drop off and pick up. This means not parking on the yellow zig-zags or the drive way up to school. It is important that these areas are not used by vehicles due to the amount of parents, guardians and children who walk to school and the driveway being our main school entrance. Please support us in ensuring everyone's safety during drop off and pick up. Mr Midgley and myself will make ourselves present as much as possible both before and after school but please come and speak to us with any further concerns around this. Thank you, Mrs Travers.
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